September 8, 2010

John Lee Hooker - Salzberg, Germany 1976 (September Blues)

John Lee Hooker, an highly influential musician on several generations, had a long and prolific career, from the first half of the 20th century until the beginning of the 21st with literally dozens of records released.
This particular blues lesson was captured at Aula Der Universitat, probably in Salzberg, Germany Salzburg, Austria.

Sound Quality: 9.5

Source: FM Broadcast (?)

Track List:

01 - Intro
02 - Goin' to california
03 - Crawlin' king snake
04 - You're so fine
05 - It serves me right to suffer
06 - As the years go passing by
07 - Black night is falling
08 - Can't stop groovin'


Anonymous said...

i've tried downloading this file 3 times now and always get time out error at hotfile on this one.

that hasn't ever happened before. :(

whsonic said...

I have never heard of a University in Salzberg, Germany. There isn't even a bigger town (only smalltowns/villages) with the name Salzberg. And it's a part of Berchtesgaden.
Could it be Salzburg, Austria?

AtticRock said...

It can be Cologne in Germany according to some sources, but I'm not exactly sure. I wrote the info on the post as I got it.

whsonic said...

Then I choose Cologne, because this town certainly exists. ;-)
But wherever he played that night: great music!

AtticRock said...

agreed :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's supposed to be "Salzburg", not "Salzberg". Salzburg is a major city in Austria with university.

whsonic said...

It is Cologne, I found the same recording at with correct labelling (

NM said...

My god, i've been lookin' for this for ages, links don't work no more tho... anybody know where i can get it in lossless? Thanks.

Prof. vGN said...

It is Salzburg Austria. I recorded this at the same year 1976 on my Philips taperecorder.

Prof. vGN said...

It is Salzburg, Austria. I’ve recorded this bootleg at the same year of this performance on my Philips taperecorder. This is Masterpiece from Mr. John Lee Hooker 🎸💯👌🏾

AtticRock said...

Thank you Prof. I've updated the text and removed the dead links.

Rippin Frog said...

Prof. vGN hello wondering if you have more goodies like this you can email me about it !