September 20, 2010

Albert Collins - Warner Theatre, Washington DC 1993 (September Blues)

First part of two shows at the Warner Theatre, Washington DC on the night of 9th of April 1993.
This is the set with Albert "The Iceman" Collins and band, featuring brass, wonderful guitar work on a funk and soul styled based blues.

Sound Quality: 9.5

Source: Soundboard

Track List:

01 - Trying to Work My Way Back Home
02 - If Trouble Was Money
03 - Put Your Shoe On The Wrong Foot
04 - Same Old Thing
05 - Things I Used To Do
06 - Head Rag
07 - I Ain't Drunk
08 - You Talk Too Much

mp3 - mirror


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the FLAC files of the 'Master of the Telecaster'.

Looking forward to more blues this month.
Hoping for an Albert King show, especially @ Fillmore East 71.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't #03 be: Put The Shoe On The OTHER Foot?

AtticRock said...

Yes, track nº3 is really called Put The Shoe On The Other Foot.

Camarillo Brillo said...

Thanks for some rare Albert

peskypesky said...

thank you for the Albert Collins

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. Thanks so much for posting.

postman said...

This is from Crystal Palace Bowl 4th July 1992.A clumsy edit leaves part of BBC intro. Andy Kershaw I think! Its still a great show but a long way from DC

AtticRock said...

Inadvertently I deleted a comment asking for a reupload, sorry about that!
The files will be up again soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the re-upload!

ermale said...

Re-Upload Please!

AtticRock said...

New working link.

ermale said...

Very thanks for the re-upload!