July 4, 2018

Mike Bloomfield & Friends (1969) Live Fillmore West (Naftalin Soundboard Tape)

 Live Fillmore West
Feb 1/1969
 (Naftalin Soundboard Tape)

Quality of this historical concert is as good as it gets!
Bloomfield and his band just cooking !

01-Born In Chicago
 02-Work Me Lord
03-Killing My Love
04-Holy Moly
05-My Heart Beat Like A Hammer
06-It's About Time
07-Young Girl
08-Born In Chicago

JAN 30/2025



bk said...

this is the best recording of Mike Bloomfield ever

Fuzz Mountain said...

Whoa! Thanks for this!

Bob said...

Can you repost this please!!!

Bob said...

Can you repost this please? Please respond to this comment and not the previous one.

Ripping Frog said...

both your up (Butterfield n Bloomfield) done

Nick said...

is it possible for you to re-up this?

Rippin Frog said...

I will when Im back home
Im working away from home right now for another week

Rippin Frog said...

Bloomfield updated

luis.lisboa said...

Could you re-up, please? Thanks in advance

Δ. Μήλας said...

Could you re-up, please? I am fan of Bloomfield and I need to listen to this Reecording.Thanks in advance

Rippin Frog said...

Δ. Μήλας
i will whenever I get back home they keep extending my shift away from home

Rippin Frog said...

Δ. Μήλας Bloomfield new link done

Δ. Μήλας said...

Thank you very much