This is another one of those great non-official releases from this power-trio from Canada, both in performance and sound.

Sound Quality: 10
Source: Pre-FM Broadcast
Track List:
01 - 2112 Overture
02 - The Temples Of Syrinx
03 - Discovery
04 - Presentation
05 - Soliloquy
06 - Grand Finale
07 - Bytor And The Snow Dog
08 - Xanadu
09 - The Spirit Of Radio
10 - Natural Science
11 - Beneath, Between, Behind
12 - Working Man
13 - Finding My Way Intro
14 - Anthem
15 - Bastille Day
16 - In The Mood
17 - Drum Solo
18 - La Villa Strangiato
FLAC pt1
FLAC pt2
Great set list for this one. A lot of my fave Rush tunes here.
Many thanks for the upload!
Thanks for the upgrade! My favorite Rush live boot!
This is a transfer from a four-disk vinyl album that was mixed by Rush and pressed up on their own Anthem label, and distributed to radio stations but not officially released. Though it's not the full show, it is still EXCELLENT. A MUST-HAVE album :)
Outstanding concert! Thanks.
This one is excellent, Thanks!
What a crackin' post, goin' watchin' them at 3 gigs when they venture to the UK in May,cost me a fortune.
A belated thankyou for an Excellent
Many Cheers!!!
Thanks, I can't believe Rush never did a concert here in Portugal...
But Shakira for example played here twice just this year...really sad.
Attic, I cannot believe ?!
Rush was in Brazil for 02 times:
2002 and this year (Oct 10th).
By the way, they have a DVD called Rush in RIO.
You never know,they still have more dates to release and it's rumoured that they may play at a festival or two.
never been a huge rush fan, but this is excellent stuff.
thank you
Thank you very much. All the best for you.
Thanks lots. It's a shame the older songs got lumped together medley style, but they were probably tired of playing them.
Wow! Downloaded the FLAC files and burned a CD. The sound is GREAT!
Grande disco. Obrigado
Thank you very much for sharing this one, sounds superb! Rush rocks!
Please repost in MP3! Thank you.
Any chance of a re-up in mp3 format? Hotfile is dead. Thanks.
New working links!
Awesome. Thanks so much!
This is an outstanding show! Sound quality is excellent! Thanks for the re-up. Much appreciated!
Thanks, although the second part will not download, the site says I have reached my free downalod limit.
Help much appreciated...TomP
It finally gave up blocking me and let me finally download part 2, many thanks !!
gracias desde Chile!!!
Thanks for this great sounding show.
Obrigado, valeu!!!
ciao link flac offline ... reup Luca
Ok, it's fixed.
thx Luca. ciao.
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