Time for some early Rush now, more precisely from August 26, 1974 on their first U.S. tour, live at the Agora Ballroom in Cleveland.
This one hour concert is not necessary the rarest, I've seen it in some known sharing sites, but sure is one great Rush performance, in their hardest phase and with fine sound.
This one hour concert is not necessary the rarest, I've seen it in some known sharing sites, but sure is one great Rush performance, in their hardest phase and with fine sound.

Sound Quality: 9.5
Source: PreFM
Track List:
01 - Stage Announcements
02 - Finding My Way
03 - Best I Can
04 - Need Some Love
05 - In the End
06 - Fancy Dancer
07 - In the Mood
08 - Bad Boy
09 - Here Again
10 - Working Man
11 - Drum Solo
12 - What You're Doing
13 - Garden Road
Hi Attic!
Guy, you posted one of the best bootlegs from initial Rush era!!
I have it and as a Brazilian Rush fan I need to say: the sound of this recording is almost like an official Rush CD!
Pay attention: I´ve never heard a Rush´s guitar solo so hard, dirty, heavy, nervous, long .. such as Alex Lifeson created (made) during Bad Boy song!!!
Thank you very much for this Classic Rock !
Sorry Attic, I made a mistake, this boot that you put is fantastic, but I mentioned about a Alex Lifeson´s historical performance during Bab Boy song, so you can find it on another Rush´s bootleg called Electric LadyLand Studios, from the same year (1974). There, Alex was OUT OF CONTROL !!
Sorry for my poor english too!
Pode escrever em português aqui, o Soundaboard está em inglês porque sendo esta linguagem de certa forma universal torna mais fácil a comunicação.
Tenho mais dois boots dos Rush de 1974 mas não esse, no entanto penso que não será dificil de encontrar.
Obrigado pelos comentários.
Olá Attic!
Não sabia que vc era brasileiro! Legal! Cara, o seu blog é sensacional, fora de série!! Tenho pego muita coisa nele. Tenho também divulgado-o para outros amigos.
Falando de Rush, acredito que do ano de 1974, com boa qualidade de som, eu deva ter uns 03 boots também: o que vc postou, o que mencionei e um outro chamado Finding Prime, também gravado no Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, OH.
Depois me fale desse 3o. que possui.
Grande abraço e CONGRATULATIONS!!
Olá Luis
Sou português, não brasileiro, e fiz confusão com os Rush, os shows que tenho de 1974 são apenas dois, os do Agora Ballroom.
Valeu amigo, obrigado!
Até a próxima postagem!
Can't wait to listen to this one!!! Early Rush rocks!!! Thanks a lot!!!
This is a GREAT POST!!! wow... so freakin' clear! It almost sounds fake in the way that you just don't expect it from a '74 show. And you're right, they are going at it!!! Thank you for this!
Ever since the mid 80's, I've been wishing we had just one more down and dirty, rock and roll Rush album like their first one was. Well, after a 37 year wait, I found this album!! Absolutely awesome. This album proves they could jam as hard as anybody in the business. Spread the word to all Rush fans everywhere, there is an album they've not heard but really need to!
Sound: A
Even the MP3-encoded file sounds clear. Good dynamic range; noticeable overdrive is very rare--even in bass-heavy portions. Possibly the best sound quality you'll encounter in a 1970's bootleg.
Material A+
The material in this bootleg is Rush's very best stuff, with obvious Blue Cheer- and Led Zeppelin influences. While their most popular albums are from a middle period that balances this early heaviness with the progressive melodicism that eventually consumed them, this is the stuff that every longtime Rush fan has always hoped was out there somewhere.
Contains a great deal of material unavailable elsewhere. The only disappointment is the absence of "Not Fade Away," a Buddy Holly number known to have been covered by Rush during this period.
Rarity: A
While it's not hard to find now, that was not always the case. When I first started looking for early-heavy Rush, I was using Netscape Navigator! I kinda lost faith a couple of years ago...I'm glad I took another shot at it today! Sometimes it takes a while, but if you know it's out there, the internet will dig it up for you eventually.
Historical Significance: A
Documents the early history of a pioneering rock band. Among Rush's earliest performances with legendary drummer Neal Peart, it takes place in Cleveland Ohio--the first Stateside locale to embrace the Canadian band. Stage banter includes acknowledgement of Cleveland radio station WMMS and DJ Donna Halpern, identified in the documentary Beyond the Lighted Stage as responsible for introducing Rush to America.
Accessibility: B+
The smaller, mp3-encoded file is hosted by Hotfile; quality is very good and download speed is acceptable.
The larger, flaac-encoded version is broken up into three parts, hosted by Rapidshare. Quality is excellent, but download speed is excruciatingly slow--exacerbated by the fact that it must be endured thrice over.
However, in light of the takedowns which have plagued file-hosting sites of late, the dependability of these Hotfile- and Rapidshare downloads is a strong mitigating factor.
Thank you for the info, didn't knew it.
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