It's WHOodstock time aboard, with their performance on this huge festival on the 17th of August.
There are several versions of this that is supposedly the full show and includes the Abbie Hoffmann Incident as track eleven. He was a hippie political activist that decided to walk on The Who's stage and got thrown out by Pete Townshend.
There are several versions of this that is supposedly the full show and includes the Abbie Hoffmann Incident as track eleven. He was a hippie political activist that decided to walk on The Who's stage and got thrown out by Pete Townshend.

Sound Quality: 9
Source: Soundboard
Track List:
01 - Heaven And Hell
02 - I Can't Explain
03 - It's A Boy
04 - 1921
05 - Amazing Journey
06 - Sparks
07 - Eyesight To The Blind
08 - Christmas
09 - The Acid Queen
10 - Pinball Wizard
11 - Abbie Hoffmann Incident
12 - Do You Think It's Alright
13 - Fiddle About
14 - There's A Doctor
15 - Go To The Mirror
16 - Smash The Mirror
17 - I'm Free
18 - Tommy's Holiday Camp
19 - We're Not Gonna Take It
20 - See Me Feel Me
21 - Summertime Blues
22 - Shakin' All Over
23 - My Generation
Can't have to much of this lot.
Thanks once again for doing a stupendous job bring us the best.
Originally The Who didn't like their performance at Woodstock but eventually even Pete Townsend decided it was a great set that pretty much launched their career.
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Peace, love, music,
Just to tell you how much this Who-posting is appreciated.
It will be part of my Woodstock anniversary collection.
Thank you.
Divine Light Control.
Tremendous show. Thank you so much for sharing. Great stuff. Cheers
Thanks so much for the Who Stock but Unfortunately, it's mp3 sourced.
has anyone else verified this is mp3 sourced? or maybe from a less than stellar cassette dub?
Ham sandwich. Ham sandwich. HAM SAMITCH!!!!
"Launched their career"??
The Who were firmly established by this time - both with strong sales for their records, constant AM and FM airplay, especially in Europe, and the album TOMMY was high in the charts at this time.
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