Happy New Year, here's Mountain.
This is an unreleased live album produced by Felix Pappalardi recorded in the Fillmore East in New York on December 30 & 31, 1970 & January 1, 1971.
Nice music to start the year be it 1971 or 2009 :)
EDIT: I just found out it was released as the Vol. 14 of the Official Live Mountain Bootleg Series so the links to the music were removed, sorry for the inconvenience.
This is an unreleased live album produced by Felix Pappalardi recorded in the Fillmore East in New York on December 30 & 31, 1970 & January 1, 1971.
Nice music to start the year be it 1971 or 2009 :)
EDIT: I just found out it was released as the Vol. 14 of the Official Live Mountain Bootleg Series so the links to the music were removed, sorry for the inconvenience.

Sound Quality: 9.5
Source: Soundboard
Track List:
Disc 1
1 - Never In My Life
2 - Don't Look Around
3 - Baby I'm Down
4 - Animal Trainer And The Toad
5 - Nantucket Sleighride
6 - Long Red
Disc 2
1 - Blood On The Sun
2 - For Yasgur's Farm
3 - Travellin' In The Dark
4 - Guitar solo
5 - Dreams Of Milk And Honey
6 - Auld Lang Syne
7 - Silver Paper
8 - Mississippi Queen
Happy New Year to you too, Atticrock! Leslie West, a Les Paul Jr. cranked through too many Marshall amps, a great start to 2009 or any year.
Peace and good health to you this year and always,
Happy 09
Thx for all the great shows in 2008 AtticRock, here's to you buddy...HAPPY NEW YEAR :-)
Thanks for all the music you share with us and HAPPY 2009
What a nice way to start the new year !
Thanks a lot for this concert.
All the best for 2009.
Keep on rockin', mate !!
Thanks. Great way to start out the year. Many thanks for your blog and all the hard work you do/have done.
Thanks for all the 2008 sharing and hopefully, there will be more bootlegs to discover in 2009.
I thank you all, without your support/comments/emails Soundaboard wouldn't have lasted for so long, almost 2 years!
A special note to Titus that in this last months has done an extraordinary work on sharing so much stuff.
As long as they let us and there are show to share let's KEEP ON ROCKING!
Happy New Year and thanks all you done in 2008
Long Live Rock
Happy New year to you AtticRock and thanks for all the music you share in this remarkable site.
Greetings from the limits of Arizona Sonora Desert in Mexico.
Ruben The Bunkbreaker.
Many thanks from France
I've been appreciating your work for a long time now.
Happy new year and keep on rockin' us in the free world!
Thanks for a consistently wonderful blog!
Is this the correct track order?
I have it in a different order.
Mountain rocks.
Yes, I think the order is correct.
Great music from Mountain - but it is officially released music.
You can find the same tracks on the officially relased 2 CD set named "New Year Concert 1971" which is volume 14 in the "Official Mountain Bootleg Series". It came out a couple of years ago.
The order of the tracks is different, but the music is the same. Thought I would just mention it.
Humm, then it will be removed, thank you for the information Kim.
Thanks for the awesome Stuff!
I have another double Cd call Double Classics Mountain Live released in 1998,from an unknown european label
with the same concert but with the tracks out of order.bootleg?
But neither the official nor the european bootleg have the clear sound of yours sample.
Good job,keep on rocking!
waldyr and anyone still interested in the files: send me an email and I'll supply the links, while they still online of course.
Thanks Attic,I already download the files
thanks again
Hi AtticRock and others,
It was me who informed you that this is an official release. It is really excellent stuff from Mountain, and I feel quite sorry that other Mountain fans may miss this one because of my information. So now I don’t know if I have done the right thing or I should have kept quiet about it.
But I did it because I think this is an excellent blog with a lot of good music, and I simply didn’t want you to get any problems by posting music that you were unaware was officially released. I hope you can understand and accept that. Sorry to other Mountain fans – but I’m glad that AtticRock offers to help with the links via email.
You did the right thing Kim.
Большое спасибо и низкий поклон за выполненый труд, отличный релиз и отличная подборка.
Ещё раз СПАСИБО! C уважением к Вам -viktorudodenko@yandex.ru
It isn't officially released - the bootleg company Trademark of Quality whoever that is, simply titled it "Official Live" so they can fly under radar and sell it but it has zero to do with Mountain. I checked Corky Laings site discography, none of the Official Live series is listed. This recording has been floating around forever. Pretty crafty trick "Official Live" lol.
Correction, Trademark of Quality was the original bootleg, big bootkeg label in the 70s. The "official live" recent release is a reissue of the original Trademark boot, on Voiceprint label, and they dont have any special rights, they are just a needledrop and bootleg rerun reissue outfit. Again, "Official Live" was just a trick to scare off sharers, which is exactly what happened here.
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