By this time they were promoting their second (and maybe their best) album: Southern Harmony and Musical Companion.

Sound Quality: 9.5
Source: FM Broadcast
Track List:
1 - My Morning Song
2 - Hotel Illness
3 - Sting Me
4 - Seeing Things
5 - Twice As Hard
6 - Black Moon Creeping
7 - Sometimes Salvation
8 - Hard To Handle
9 - Remedy
I've downloaded twice but get a "wrong password" message. Are you sure the correct password is:
Yes and no. is correct,BUT you have to add one blank space after it. That worked for me. Oh by the way THANKS for all the magnificent recordings here.
Lets all stamp our feet until AtticRock agrees to stop using passwords!
Thank you for your help 2nd anonymous. It is correct now.
You have to do a lot of noise to make me stop using passwords :)
Great recording!! Being as it's a Pre-FM and ripped @ 320k, the sound quality is really quite good, though the vocals are a bit low at times, blown over by the thickly-layered sound of wailing guitars, keyboards and hammering drums that the Crowes are so well known for.
As for the performance itself, the sheer energy these boys generate is overwhelming. You can tell that the Brothers Robinson & band were definitely having fun playing this gig. Total Bonus, the cover art is just incredible. I've seen some great boot covers, but this stuff is right up there with anything I've ever seen. Very, very nice. (Schwing!)
Overall, I give this Crowes boot a solid 9. Big Thanx to whoever UL'ed it!
"When in doubt, I whip it out!"
Thanks .High*Ping*Drifter.
I've read some great comments but this one is right up there with anything I've ever seen.
I wish more people took the time to leave a message.
Surely you must have wrote that comment Titus (alias High*Ping*Drifter?)
There can't be anyone as musically knowleagable as you, can there?
Actually, TBM, there just might be. ;) I used to be a music writer/editor, back there when I was in journalism school, in my wilad-arsed bachelor days...and while I don't claim to be any sort of "expert" on music, some bands I just really dig, and the Crowes were one of those bands whose music really called to me, in a sense. I was very glad to see the Brothers Robinson get the band moving forward with this new album, "Warpaint." Listening to it, it's an older, wiser Crowes powering up a familiar heavily-layered sound through the lense of road-weary maturity.
I wish them well, and while the new disc is good, it's still nice to delve back to their "Moneymaker/Southern Harmony/Amorica" era. With an eye on what was, and the other on this latest disc of theirs, I think we can expect good things from them in the future...and that would be very cool, IMO.
"When in doubt, I whip it out!"
Naa,come on Titus, own up man, yu bin sussed, surely...?
I would never undermine the integrity of the blog by posting under an assumed name. Not even as a joke. Your comments are not appreciated by me & I'm sure .High*Ping*Drifter. would prefer to see his comments respected.
TBM - Google my nick, you'll find that I leave a lot of tracks, and that I've been doing it for a long time...but believe whatever seems good to you, it's not like I will ever lose sleep over the opinions of a stranger. Peace, etc...
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." -H.L. Mencken-
Wind your necks in, chill and see the funny side of things you ageing cynics.
Excellent, compare this to the Pink Floyd shit posted later and feel the difference between real music with balls and dinosaur shit.
I don't think I would dismiss Pink Floyd (and I am assuming that you were ) as "Dinosaur Sh*t"... I think that it all comes down to a matter of preference.
Truth be told, I listen to everything from Metallica to Mozart to Miles Davis to Muddy Waters, depending upon my mood and stress levels. ;) Floyd is great on a melancholy rainy morning (like this morning) with the first pot of coffee. Very nice way to start the day.
Just my opinion, that and a tired dollar will get me a cup of coffee down the street. Peace, etc...
"We've got a blind date with destiny...and it looks like she's ordered the lobster!"
Being the blog author I agree with H*P*D, otherwise you wouldn't see Floyd here.
Of course there's bands I like more and others less and I'm not as eclectic as H*P*D, I don't listen to classical or jazz music. But in the Rock area I mostly like the old guys, in fact Black Crowes music wouldn't be as good as it is if there wasn't The Allman Brothers, The Stones and so many other dinosaurs that were their main influence...
I've compared them. They are both good. However it strikes me that I have heard lots of bands that sound similar to the Black Crowes but there is only one Pink Floyd.
Yes, Titus, Floyd is Floyd, though I do find Porucpine Tree somewhat reminiscent of Floyd. While they have their own sound, more or less, the Floyd influence is strong and clear. I like them.
As for the Crowes, AtticRock, I believe I once described their sound as part-Stones, part-ABB with a dash of Rod Stewart & Small Faces (Chris Robinson's vocals). Many decried them as take on it was (and still is) that it's a way-cool and way-fat sound that I just keep coming back to, all these years later. Some things stand the test of time. The Crowes, ABB, Floyd, Stones, Trower and many others just get better with time.
And that's all I have to say about that... ;)
"You are an errand boy sent by grocery clerks to collect a debt..."
I've heard Porcupine Tree & of course I hear the Floyd influence. But I am viewing the 'wider' Floyd. I can't see 'the Tree' coming up with 'Interstellar Overdrive'. I like a lot of dinosaur prog but PF don't fit that mould. Most of their music is in 4/4 time, the lyrics are often biting & political and Roger Waters is a mean SOB. We're not talking Jon Anderson here!
I've heard DSOTM too many times.
I envy anyone who has yet to memorise it.
do you have it in flac maybe?
Thanx anyway.
You can get the flac files now!
Please re-up this one in mp3. I was at this gig and would love to hear it again! Cheers.
Ok, I just put a new link.
Just DL'd this for a friend...after all these years eh? I see my artwork is no longer rotter AR! LOL. Just got tickets for BOC in Gateshead (3rd row in front of Eric and Leicester (2nd row in front of Buck)
Ah, Titus! It's nice to see here a familiar face some years later.
I don't know if I can find the 'art'work but I can get you the flacs.
So you're seeing BOC again? I don't think I'll have that luck in this lifetime.
This year I plan to see Nick Cave, Aerosmith and maybe the Crowes. Incredible music the Brothers Robinson have been doing all these years out of the band.
No problem I am happy with what I got. Seeing Crowes myself in October. Also have tix for Pendragon/A festival in Lodz Poland/Don Felder in Switzerland/Winters End Festival in Chepstow/Night of the Prog in Loreley/Sparks/Jethro Tull/A New Day Festival in Kent/Kiss in Hamburg/Joe Payne/Nick Mason/Graham Gouldman...and more! Also toying with going to the BOC show in Paris in June.
Will be in touch soon hopefully...I no longer do gmail
Best wishes
If I could choose the Paris show would be my option since they're the main act but I wouldn't mind seeing Purple again, saw them 3 years ago I loved it.
Since you don't gmail let me ask you here, is it possible to send me via wetransfer or other this Tubes show?
I thank you
Can't get my head round Purple with Steve Morse. Just seems like a waste of his talent to me. The two gigs I am going to are in addition to the shows with Purple. They are BOC headline gigs. Drop me an email and I will try to do the Tubes thing for you. Would rather you didn't publish the email obviously!
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