I would like to improve the blog in a way that the visitor could have a more important role than just leave a comment (when they do...)
So if you have any suggestion or idea, please say it here.
Meanwhile i think that some regulars here would be curious to know some stats.

Blue Oyster Cult: BBC Rock Hour 1977
UFO: 13th March 1981
Lynyrd Skynyrd: 1973 FM Broadcast
Rush: 23-04-1988
Aerosmith: 29 August 1975
The Who: 29 - 10 - 2006
Rory Gallagher: Reading 1980
Black Sabbath: Purple Sabbath - 1983
ZZ Top: 10-06-1979
Whitesnake: Reading Rock 1980
Returning Visitors:
February - 744
March - 5,202
April - 7,045
Unique Visitors:
February - 2,039
March - 11,867
April - 15,890
First Time Visitors:
February - 1,295
March - 6,665
April - 8,845
Most visitors come from these countries:
United States
United Kingdom
Music coming up next:
Gary Moore, Cream...
This my be a petty request but...I download a lot of music and find it a hassle when tracks are labeled Track 01, Track 02, etc. Yeah Yeah I know the music is free but when you dowload 10 - 20 shows a day and half the shows don't put track names in, it takes a lot of time. Now in the case of this blog where you only post a couple of shows a week, you would save a lot of peaple a lot of work to take the time to label the tracks once instead of dozens of people taking the time out to do it for their individual download.. Just a pet peeve. Take it or leave it.
Hi tonytiger
I understand your point and will try to label the tracks when i can or have the time to do it.
And although i only post 2 or 3 shows a week these are very carefully chosen and that still takes some time...
Thanks for the input.
Congrats on...EVERYTHING AtticRock! You're a doin' a SUPER job posting all these great albums. THANK YOU!
Of course what tonytiger sez would be nice but listen atticrock...if you don't feel you got the time to tag the albums then it's fine by me, I will happily do the tags myself as long as you supply the music :)
Thanks again for the tunes!
Parabens pelo Blog sou visitante assiduo e voces tem um grande bom gosto .Continuem.
Hey there!
I've been really enjoying your blog since I found it a couple of months ago. Thanks for the shows.
Is there any way that you could upload more Rossington Collins band shows? I'm really looking for the New Years Eve 1980 and the Holmdel, NJ 1981 shows.
Keep up the awesome work!
Hi guys
Thanks for all the compliments.
I'll be posting the NJ 1981 show soon although it has a poor sound...
what a great blog,loving the kinks in new york,more kinks if ya got em.many thanks
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