The known title for this recording is Birmingham '88 Remaster Edition and is generally considered as one of their best "non-official" releases.
An absolute must, amazing sound and fantastic performance!

Sound Quality: 10
Disc One:
1. Three Stooges Intro
2. The Big Money
3. Subdivisions
4. Marathon
5. Turn The Page
6. Prime Mover
7. Manhattan Project
8. Closer To The Heart
9. Red Sector A
10. Force Ten
11. Time Stand Still
12. Distant Early Warning
Disc Two:
1. Lock And Key
2. Mission
3. Territories
4. YYZ
5. The Rhythm Method
6. The Spirit Of Radio
7. Tom Sawyer
8. 2112: Overture/The Temples of Syrinx
9. La Villa Strangiato
10. In The Mood
Wonderful love your blog, listening to your Rush boot great thank you Stewy
Thank you for the compliments, i will try to bring more Rush in the future.
Obrigado pelos elogios hellraiser, continuo a achar que você devia referir os sitios de onde está a tirar os links, e obviamente não estou a falar apenas dos meus ficheiros, é apenas uma questão de justiça.
É devido a isto que muitos usam como senha o próprio endereço do site e possivelmente eu também irei fazer o mesmo...
Lamento também que não tenha publicado o meu comentário no seu blog...
De resto é livre de colocar nos seus favoritos o que quiser, mas lembro que deixei de colocar posts de downloads no Rock no Sótão portanto será talvez desnecessário este estar lá...
De resto o que mais importa é mesmo a música,
Keep On Rocking!
Thanks a lot for this. I really enjoyed that year's tour.
Eu adoraria que você tivesse colocado
os Rush, Whitesnake, Sammy Hagar, Queensryche, e todos os outros que colocou do meu blog se tivesse referido em cada post de onde vinham as suas fontes...e não enganar os seus visitantes que pensam que foi voce que fez os uploads...
De resto você é livre de colocar o que quiser no seu site e até agradeço que coloque links meus desde que não se esqueça de referir de onde eles vêem.
Keep on Rocking
Thanks a lot for this show - I was there both nights at the NEC. you were right about the quality - fantastic!!! Thanks again - Steve
Thanks for the nice words Steve and ARAMIS.
I have a couple more Rush shows with this kind of quality, will try to post them later.
Love your blog. Nice to see Rush boots up there. All the best from Davey over at SadButTrue.
Nice words davey, thanks.
I will add your blog to my linklist soon.
Seems to be a problem opening this file .
Man,I love these boots of Rush you so much pleasure out of them...keep up the fine work
Another fine post. Quality is superb. You have a great site here. Thank you!
The tracklist is NOT complete. I downloaded this amazing concert twice and all the songs in disc 2, from TERRITORIES on just aren't there...too bad.
Tente fazer o download do mirror da part 3.
¡Moito obrigada atticrock!
É a primeira visita a iste site e estou abraiada :D
Desculpa pelo idioma.. som Galega :-)
Obrigado pelo comentário lelia, só não percebo o que é abraida :)
Wow man, that must be one of the best blogs around - all the gems from my youth and an excellent choice of the recordings.
Thanks a lot and keep on rockin´!
thank you so much
This easily is one of THE BEST blogs with rapidshare links out there. Saying this is a goldmine is an understatement. Thank you!
This show must have been extracted from the Laserdisc or DVD of A Show of Hands, yes? Probably the laserdisc as the DVD was released fairly recently. I believe the videos were filmed & recorded at NEC.
Great sound here folks!
Great songs!
A Must 4 Any RUSH Fan!
Keep em comin'
Spirit Bear
Cheers, I was at the gig the day after on Sunday 24th April B'ham.
Excellent recording.
Obrigado. Mas não teria esse disco em Flac?
Só em shn.
Amazing site. The links are dead on this one. Can anyone re-post?
Ok, new links up!
The links are dead again. Thanks anyway.
Great site! Would you mind reposting these links?
Rush '88 link is ok now!
please, could you re up please !
The links are dead again. please, could you re up please !
It's good now.
Please re-up. Thanks!
The link is working...
ciao link flac offline ... reup Luca
Only have the mp3 at hand for this one.
thx Luca. ciao
grazie for all...
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