Hello and welcome aboard on my new blog. From now on the majority of the downloads will be posted here, not on "Rock No Sótão" where i will continue to publish some articles about my Rock memories.
I decided to create " Soundaboard" in order to share with you some great Rock music shows and rarities that i have been finding on the web. This will be the place for recordings that were never supposed to be on tape, on reel, on vinyl, on CD, on ...your computer.
Most of the times the files will be on MP3, occasionally on FLAC or SHN depending on the size of the stuff, anyway i'll try to share only recordings with a minimum of quality.
All collaborations are welcome, i also encourage you to visit some other great blogs that share very good recordings, just check my link list.
English is not my native language so i am sorry for any errors on the writing of posts... i think that what really matters is the music... so i hope you enjoy :)
I will be receptive to requests but please do so by email.
Comments are always very welcome.