The Tubes
N.Y. 1981/Dortmund 1983
I'm a fan of the early more avant-garde Tubes
but I like all of their albums and they are
always good live. I saw the 'Wild West Show'
a couple of years ago and it was excellent.
First saw them in 1979 at the Manchester Apollo.
There was to be two shows on the same day,
a matinee & an evening performance. I had
tickets for both but could only persuade my
friends to attend in the evening. When I got
there, mid-afternoon, I found the matinee show
had been cancelled due to low ticket sales.
I got my refund and hung around for a couple
of hours until everyone arrived for the late show.
They were great! What do you want from life?
Disc 1 (audio)
Matter of Pride
Think About Me
Mr. Hate
Attack of the 50ft Woman
Smoke (La Vie en Fumer)
Mondo Bondage
Don't Want to Wait Anymore
Sushi Girl
Talk to Ya Later
White Punks on Dope
Disc 2 (DVD)
Sushi Girl
Don't Want to Wait Anymore
Wild Women of Wongo
She's A Beauty
White Punks on Dope
Thanks to:
Thank you. I have been a Tubes fan for the last 30 years (!) and have seen them a ton of times. Great to see some of their shows posted. You may be interested in these shows (I was lucky enough to be at the Kingswood Show in Toronto):
Thanks srcstcbstrd,
I'm listening to the Winterland show now & it's not bad at all!
I'll check the others out later.
The Kingswood show is nice too!
They opened for Utopia - am I right?
Nope, they had the whole night all to themselves. It was real nice to hear 'Love Bomb' in its entirety.
At the end of the show from what Fee says they are obviously not the support act. Can you recall the date? I was guessing it matched this (June 1st 1985):-
Shown again here (utopia was the opening act) Don't tell me you missed them!
P.s. Do you have the Winterland New Year's Eve 1975 show?
Oh my. So many questions. Yes, this is the June 1st show and my stub does say that Utopia did open the show but for the life of me, I can't remember them playing. And I would have remembered Todd coming out to help out with Love Bomb.
I do have the New Year's show somewhere on this infernal machine but I have to find it. I also have a recording done at the Record Plant. Actually (now don't tell anyone), you can listen to a stream of the shows on a certain Concert Vault and if you have the right software, you can record it and split the tracks up. I've got the shows but haven't figured out how to do said splitting. Any ideas? Or if you get your mitts on the shows and do the editing, please let me know. How do we set up private messages?
Having a blast on your blog. Keep up the great, great work.
Thanks for the info. I'm familiar with the 'vault'. There's something very unsavory about it! I use Roxio to split files but there are loads of other software options. How about scanning the ticket stub? I'll use it when I make the artwork and credit you on the cover. Fame at last! Perhaps you'll be regreting chosing that nickname then. HeHe.
keep on rockin'
I too was at the manc apollo show ,Squeeze were supposed to have supported them but didn`t for some reason
That rings a bell. I think sqeeze did tour with them. I seem to remmember there being something about them in the tour program. Probably not on at Man. due to the planned double show.
Who produced and played on Love Bomb Titus?
It was one of those way-past-his-prime burnt out hippies. Can't remember his name now.
Ain't you one?(Almost burnt out Hippie
Seeing is believing(Keep Them Visuals Cu mmin GUYS
Hey Titus,
Here's the ticket stub. Take note of the cost of the concert. But don't let that fool you. Kingswood is inside 'Canada's Wonderland'. A theme park not unlike the many throughout the States. So we had to purchase a day pass to the park beside the concert admission. Maybe that is why we missed Utopia. Too busy on the rides.
I hope it works out for you. If not, I can rescan and send a new copy.
By the by, choosing srcstcbstrd as my alias and regretting it? Au contraire. Actually a couple of sites have not let me sign up because they thought it inappropriate. Small minded cretins.
Thanks srcstcbstrd,
the scan is fine. I'll try to incorporate it in the artwork when I get around to it. As long as you're happy with your alias then that's good enough for me.
To hell with those smllmnddcrtns.
I'm planning to upload all the scarab art machine soundaboard covers plus a few others. The Kingswood art will be included.
all the best
p.s. TBM - I'm damaged but I like it!
Hey Titus,
I found the New Years show from '75 at the Fillmore. It is one file but the complete show. You can probably do your magic and split the tracks.
Thanks a lot
The first track is missing. The 'vault' says the opener is 'What do you want from life'
Hey Titus,
I tried to get the whole concert again but failed miserably - my recorder doesn't want to cooperate with me - I did get the first cut for you (first two actually). If you are going to do anything with this, I'd love to know - I'd like to get a proper copy for myself.
You are a star! I'm going to remaster it a bit. It will never be perfect but I'll see if I can make it sound better. There's a lot of high pitched amp squeal which I can't do much about. But it's a shit-hot show.
A Huge Thanks for the above links. I'm now in Tubes heaven :) A Very Happy and Safe New Years to all!
many thanks for this gem from The Tubes...much appreciated!!
cheers - crash :)
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