Let's hear it for The Tubes, one of the most entertaining rock bands of all time here performing at The Kabuki Theatre in San Francisco.
This is a Westwood One in Concert radio transcription, except for track 08 taken from the MTV broadcast of this show.
This is a Westwood One in Concert radio transcription, except for track 08 taken from the MTV broadcast of this show.

Sound Quality: 9
Source: Vinyl
Track List:
Disc 1
01 - business
02 - out of the business
03 - theme park
04 - matter of pride
05 - glasshouse
06 - sports fans
07 - amnesia
08 - mr hate
09 - mondo bondage
10 - don't want to wait anymore
Disc 2
01 - James Brown medley
02 - tip of my tongue
03 - the monkey time
04 - wild women of wongo
05 - drums
06 - she's a beauty
07 - talk to ya later
08 - getoverture / white punks on dope
FLAC pt1
FLAC pt2
Haven't heard this yet as I'm just in the process of downloading the files, but I'm a huge Tubes fan and I'm sure, along with the quality of the rest of your stuff, this will be up to your usual superb standard.
Thanks again for this and all you've done with this site.
Don't know much about the Tubes so I guess this is a nice starter !
Thank you for this cd and and the other fantastic shows that you uploaded.
Derek from Paris
Thanks a lot! i'm very grateful for this Tube concert. so rare to see The Tubes on a blog!
searching for years, the 1981 BBC concert who saw the light on CD in 2000 under the title:
"Infomercial: How To Become Tubular". have you got this one & can you upload it please?
I appreciate your comments, thanks.
I don't have that Tubes Cd but being an official release I wouldn't post it here, sorry.
Nice one AR,
What a DOOZER, mainly stuff from my 2 fav Tubes albums i.e.Completion Backward Principle and Outside Inside.
Hope you had a good break,glad your back but Titus and I plus entourage are coming over to your beautiful country on Sunday.
Many Cheers!
PS Many Thanks also for the Rush,I'll play it for Titus on our Hols (that will annoy him for sure)
Many Cheers!
Thanks for this Tubes show, especially since i never got to see this one on MTV!
IMO, this show can't really compare to their more heavy & harder-edged progressive mid-70s stuff, but if you are a fan of the poppier-sounding 80s "hits" Tubes tunes then this must have been a real fun gig!
thanks for letting us all hear it!
Must remember to pack earplugs.
Thanks for this notable post. I recorded the concert when it originally aired on MTV. I watched it over and over. But sadly, I had bought into the whole BETA thing, thus I have nothing now to play it on. So thanks again very much.
I'm very happy everybody enjoyed The Tubes:)
I'm disappointed you don't like Rush Titus, another band I had never had the pleasure to see live!
This smokes! Prairie Prince is incredible. Thanks for the post.
Killer stuff AtticRock, thx a bunch!
I've started a (new) blog, inTOXXYcated, do please link to me if you want to. Cheers :-)
Very good looking and great music as expected, good luck with the blog toxxy.
The Tubes, Excellent stuff. But are there any good quality Roy Harper bootlegs about? I`ve searched everywhere. No joy.
TBM`s Younger and more Handsommer brother.
That's true TBM's brother, I haven't seen any Roy Harper around...
If only this was a video comments input then people would be able to judge for themselves,and see that previous claims are just not true!
Mind you maybe he got the looks,I got the brains?
Thanks...Great Post!
Where are the files? RS is just an error screen. :(
You realize you are asking for files shared about 4 years ago?
I will try to upload them again in the next week and when it's done you'll see it here.
I wish I can find a copy of them at the Greek Theater during the 1979 Remote Control tour. MTV played it once (way back once upon a time when MTV was worth watching) and havent seen it or heard it sense, except for snippets on youtube. Another great show from Fee and the boys. Cant get enough of The Tubes
Error - File not available on both, try again. thanks
New links ready!
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