We've got the blues aboard again, this time with a young but highly talented musician, Jonny Lang who had his first album released at age 13 with the name Kid Jonny Lang & The Big Bang.
Let's hear this astounding performance live in Fort Worth in a recording I believe to be the full show.
Let's hear this astounding performance live in Fort Worth in a recording I believe to be the full show.

Sound Quality: 9.5
Source: Soundboard
Track List:
Disc 1
01 - Still Rainin'
02 - Good Morning Little Schoolgirl
03 - A Quitter Never Wins
04 - The Levee
05 - Home in the Blues
06 - Darker Side
07 - Right Back
08 - There's Gotta Be A Change
09 - Second Guessing
Disc 2
01 - Leaving To Stay
02 - She's Out There Somewhere
03 - Lie To Me
04 - Breakin' Me
05 - Rack 'Em Up
06 - Spanish Castle Magic
Files MP3:
Part 1
Part 2
Files FLAC:
Part 1
Part 2
Hello AR,
No comments for Clapton? Not surprised - I think he's awful. Never heard of Jonny Lang but I don't think he would be suitable for me. A couple of things about Rapidshare - 1. Non account holders (like me) have to wait up to 90mins between downloads. This makes a three part unknown album a somewhat unattractive proposition. 2. I am concerned about RS's dominance of the market which is why I tend to use other hosts.
I am assuming you do not wish to post out of print vinyl rips such as the Wild Willy album.
Today is my birthday. I am 45!
Hi Titus
First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY man! You're 5 ahead of me hehe.
No comments for Clapton but around 100 downloads, not bad for a post with 5 days. I confess the only thing I have from him is the double live Just One Night and I like it a lot, oh I also have the fabulous Layla on CD, a master-piece.
Lang is great but if you don't like blues forget it...
I know the rapidshare limitations but indeed it is the best service of the genre, it's like the Google of file hosting but I promise to try Megaupload sooner or later.
For those unknown albums just try and hear the sample first.
Thanks for this one, a great show!
Sorry Titus,
but I think Jonny Lang is one of the upcomming artists in the blues-genre like Joe Bonamassa, Oli Brown, Hendrik Freischlader Band or Kenny Wayne Shepherd.
Clapton was (is) god.
Hello ! Really good place for quality bootlegs. But Today I was unlucky. The second part of Jonny Lang - Fort Worth 1999 is not available on rapidshare. Can you verify ? I hope i can get it soon.
New links ready.
rapidshare is STILL the best hosting service, period!
if you're not into langs style of music, you must have taste buds in your butt!! well worth the 90 minute wait you might have to endure, although last time i tried the free rapidshare downloads, it wasn't anywhere near a minute wait.
thanks for reposting!! :)
Would like to respectfully request a re-upload for this show.
Though I am not a member yet, I hope to be depending on how the lossless files test out.
Great board with lots of great shows offered...Well done!
New FLAC links up!
Thank you !! First for posting this awesome artist, and second for the new links!
Great site you have here, and being new to it, I have learned that if you post as lossless, it IS definitely lossless.
No monkey business here.
Again, Thank You!
Hi, appreciate this is an old post, but any chance of a re-up please? Love JL and haven;t seent his one around, so would be appreciated. Cheers
Jonny Lang 1999 rides again!
Thanks for taking the time to do it, much appreciated, looking forward to it.
Looks great but links are toast. Any chance of an encore?
Just put new links!
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